“We Are Not Alone”
Thank you for participating in our virtual choir! We may not be able to sing together in person, but we can sing together online!
Here’s what you need to know:
Items you will need
A computer or mobile device to play the track
A device to video yourself playing (a separate device from #1). A phone works best unless you have a good mic setup for another device.
Guide track (click the button below).
Sheet music (click the button below)
Please sing your part
All choir videos need to be returned by October 24. If you can return videos sooner, it will help in editing time.
Please use a simple background (like a blank wall).
Please wear Salvation Army branded apparel, if possible. A conservatory shirt would be great!
When you are resting, please look engaged in the music! Remember, you are on video and you may be seen while you are resting.
It may take a few tries to get this right, and that is OK! Just submit your best video.
Make sure to frame your face and upper body in the shot. Film in landscape (horizontal)
Example for framing video
Prepare your devices
Device 1: Load the guide track. Make sure you are listening with headphones. You may want to leave the headphones off of one ear so you can hear yourself in the room.
Device 2: Prepare to record your video. If recording with a phone, position it in landscape (horizontal) orientation rather than portrait (vertical).
Practice with the guide track!
When ready to record:
Start the video on Device 2 (remember – landscape).
Start the guide track (with headphones).
You will hear a click, clap on measure 2, measure 3 will play pitches, begin singing on measure 5
Wait until the click stops before turning off the video.
Have fun!
Thank you for participating! Be on the look-out for the completed video in coming days!
If you have any questions, please contact